I slipped up yesterday and did not post anything but I worked and then went shopping - proper grocery shopping for the first time in about 3 weeks.

I went to Aldi and stocked up on basic items such as cracker biscuits, pasta, cheese, butter, toothpaste and lots of canned goods - fruit, pineapple, tuna, corn and tomatoes. Then it was off to Simply Good where I can buy dry goods from bulk bins. I re-use my own paper bags so this means NO packaging. I bought chickpeas, kidney beans, almonds, sultanas, red lentils, arborio rice, bran flakes, wheat flakes and mixed herbs.

The evening was spent packing everything away. I put the month/year date on all packaged goods using a texta and the bulk goods are all rotated so that the new product goes in the bottom of the container.

I am not 100% sure but I think that we could eat well for at least 6 months on the supplies we currently have. There are so many reasons for having a supply of food and miscellaneous items and I did test my supply a little towards the end of 2008. I was so busy at work I simply did not have time to shop and went for 7 weeks and only bought a couple of lots of fruit and veg. Everything else came from the pantry, freezer and garden.

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    Anonymous said...

    Stocking up is a great idea Fairy. Sounds like you had quite a day. I started stocking up about 6 months before DH accident & since I've just been doing top up shops. It's been such a God send to live off our stock. I still have at least 3 to 4 months of most basics but do plan to start restocking now.


  1. ... on Friday, 09 January, 2009