Today didn't turn out quite as I planned in yesterday's entry.

I had a gentle start to the day - the last official day of my holiday and then decided to do the ironing. It is almost all done (including the washing from today) and I will finish it tomorrow.

My mother and sister came for lunch so it was Tuna Pie and Salad again for lunch followed by a fresh fruit platter. I was able to include peaches and mulberries from the garden alongside bought nectarines and plums.

After the visitors had gone I donned my old clothes and spent a bit of time in the garden pulling out the old cucumber vine. Then the chickens got into the soil and staring digging it over. I think I will get G to help me remove the trellises and then I will plant beetroot as my next crop in that bed. I hope to grow a large quantity of beetroot this year so that I can preserve enough to last us right through next summer as well as eating some in risotto and roasting some. I have never roasted beetroot before but I believe it is yummy.

Rather than modifying the recipe for the Sweet Chili sauce I have decided to wait until tomorrow and go and see if the neighbour has any ripe chilis and see if I can make up the shortfall that way and then give her a bottle of the sauce once it is made.

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    Anonymous said...

    Fairy good idea on the chillies. I'm sure your neighbour would love a bottle.


  1. ... on Saturday, 31 January, 2009