The knitting is finished and now I just need to weave the loose ends in and all will be complete.

Today I feel as though I have completed a few small tasks. I went to the travel agent to get all of the details about purchasing Exchange Orders for our Japan Rail passes for our holiday in 5 weeks. It is approaching so fast now! I sent a couple of emails that I had been meaning to do for ages and also arranged the annual checkup/heartworm injection for the dog. I will be working a short day tomorrow and then taking him to the vet. I will also pick up a couple of things I need in Maleny while I am there.

I cannot believe how little I have used my car lately. I have driven less than 100km/week since I finished my previous job whereas previously when I was driving for work it was about 1000km/week.

The other loose end is that I have paid off the personal loan which we got for our second water tank. While it was not a lot it just feels as a bit more has been cleared off the deck.

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    Anonymous said...

    Wow Fairy 1000k's a week now that's huge. So glad you're enjoying the new job & sounds like you leaving a lighter foot step as well.


  1. ... on Sunday, 22 February, 2009