To set the scene: This afternoon G was cleaning out the gutter around the garage which is actually just below the level of the patio. The patio is essentially the top the garage roof - hard to explain! The clothes line which I routinely use is under the roof which covers part of the patio.

About 4 weeks ago I could not find a particular shirt and I turned the house upside down over a period of days. In desperation I even rang a motel where I had stayed during a trip in my previous job to see if I had left it there - no luck. I gave up and had no idea what had happened but I was not pleased as it was one that I had made.

Fast forward to this afternoon. G called me and neither of us could believe our eyes - out of the gutter he fished out my shirt!! It had obviously blown off the line, across the patio and got tangled in the gutter. The fabric was pure cotton and had already begun to decompose. The only thing to do was get my scissors, cut off the buttons and put the remainder of the cgarment in the compost. The buttons are now soaking in a container of soapy water and will get re-used at some time. Despite my disappointment now at least I know what happened and that I am not going completely mad.

Luckily, I did the washing and got it dry by lunchtime because by about 2pm it started to pour here and we have had about 30mm this afternoon. The underwear and socks are still slightly damp so I will put them in the drier for 5 minutes to finish them off. I have done all of the ironing from this week and most of what was previously in the basket - just a few more items to go.

I have done a menu plan for the week and am about to go and finsh doing some of the preparation of meals for later in the week so that dinner is not too late when we get home from work.

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    Anonymous said...

    Wow Fairy the day in the life of a shirt. Nice to get an ending to the baffling story.


  1. ... on Monday, 02 March, 2009