The title says it all. My excuse is that there is so much to do and so little time. G and I went to the DFO near the airport today and I bought a new suitcase for our trip. The other one I had has served me well over quite a number of years, however, the corners have holes, the handle is a bit dodgy and one wheel is not functioning properly. I bought one for $69 - medium size and red. I am happy that it will be suitable for what I need. I also bought a lightweight spray jacket (for the trip).

I have started putting things that I will be packing in the spare room so I feel like I am making some progress. I did several loads of washing including the bedspread from our bed today. G and I cleaned up the desk in the study and I renewed my driver's licence online. I have done quite a bit of ironing, although it is not finished. No more tonight as I think I will have an early night.

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