Thank goodness it is Friday at last. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

Today I got my boots repaired but unfortunately they did not have the batteries that are required for my pedometer in stock. I will try again next week.

I also picked up my yearly rail pass which will save me about $25/fortnight compared to the cost of a weekly ticket. I don't have to pay for it upfront as my pay office deduct a fortnightly amount from my salary which makes it relatively painless.

Speaking of money, the electricity bill arrived in the mail today and the exciting news is that the account is actually in credit. We pay a set amount each fortnight and our consumption has been consistently reducing, thus a credit balance. I will see how it goes during winter but may consider reducing the amount we pay each fortnight - I wouldn't want to be too far in front!

Tomorrow we are going to have a look at a house with C & A then heading off to an exhibition of Cressida Campbell's art at the QUT Gallery in Brisbane.

Before that I will need to do some mundane things like do a menu plan for next week, buy some fruit and vegetables and perhaps have my hair cut. I would normally leave it another week but since we are going away next weekend I would like to get it done before we go.

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    Anonymous said...

    Hi Fairy!!!

    So glad to see things are moving along well for you and your new job is good too!!! Are you okay with the time spent to commute???

    I have a couple of pumpkins on my vine too - it's very exciting!!! They aren't full size yet, but I'm just so excited about it, I go out and look at them every day!!!

    Sharyn :)

  1. ... on Friday, 06 March, 2009  
  2. Anonymous said...

    Hi Fairy!!!

    So glad to see things are moving along well for you and your new job is good too!!! Are you okay with the time spent to commute???

    I have a couple of pumpkins on my vine too - it's very exciting!!! They aren't full size yet, but I'm just so excited about it, I go out and look at them every day!!!

    Sharyn :)

  3. ... on Friday, 06 March, 2009