So much has happened since I last wrote an entry on Thursday.

After going to work on Friday, we stayed in Brisbane so that we could catch the very early flight to Canberra on Saturday morning. There we met up with about 6 other couples who I knew through Simple Savings who had come from various parts of Qld, Vic and NSW. Some I had met previously, some not but we all seemed to click and had a great weekend of fun and socialising. G and I managed to fit in going to the Degas exhibition at the National Gallery as well as a couple of other exhibitions there and spent several hours on Sunday at the National Portrait Gallery.

On Sunday morning the group met up with some others from Simple Savings who live in Canberra. Prior to meeting them at the Old Bus Depot Markets G and I went to Queanbeyan to go to Spotlight. I had a $10 voucher which expired that day and I wanted to buy some netting and fabric to trim the netting to make covers to throw over plates of food to keep insects off. I will post a photo one day when they are made. That is 2 Sundays in a row that I have failed on my No Spend Sunday challenge. Hopefully, I will get back on track. Even though we ate out several times I did stick to my savings plan by taking biscuits, cheese and salad which G and I ate for lunch on Sunday – felt very virtuous.

The next couple of weeks are going to be very busy as we finalise our Japan trip. We leave on Sat 28th March so not much time. I will try to do an entry each day but they will most likely be fairly brief.

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