Back again after a fairly long break with a new look for the blog. My tech-savvy younger daughter is back from overseas so I was able to utilise her skill and create an updated look. I had been toying with the idea of some changes but my limited computer skills put paid to taking that any further than the idea stage

So much has been happening recently it is hard to know where to start. We arrived home from Japan almost 2 weeks ago. There had been a huge amount of rain while we were away and with the house all shut up there seemed to be mould on everything. I am gradually getting on top of the cleaning.

Z has been home for nearly a week now and is busy job-hunting and in between has thoughtfully done a heap of ironing for me.

The computer is hovering between life and death so if the posts suddenly stop again it may be because death has finally won out. In fact everything seems to be suffering the same fate - the pump has some serious issues which have been solved for the short-term but it needs some more work and the large circular fluorescent tube in the kitchen has decided to cease working so have to get a new one on Saturday. I keep wondering what is going to be next.

The most exciting news for the week is that the builders have started work on the renovations this week. The first job was concreting under the house and the path along the back. After 3 days of excaavating, levelling and general preparation the concrete was poured today. It looks fantastic - all terraced concrete instead of a dust bowl where the fleas would breed. I am looking forward to being able to hang our hanging canvas chairs that we bought a couple of years ago. I will post a photo once they are up. The next part of the job is removing all of the old cladding and replacing it as well as adding insulation to the walls and all new windows and flyscreens. We are replacing some of the windows with louvres. More news on the renovations later.

The rubbish weigh-in continues: this week was 1305g (1.3kg). I will go back to the older posts and retrieve the previous totals and update this info. It has been several weeks because of being away and off-line. Rubbish in Japan – ahh!! That is another story altogether so may be a blog post all of its own!

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